Saturday, 26 January 2013

Employees and staff and authorities in Lokpal

Chief Vigilance Officer: 
  1. There shall be a Chief Vigilance Officer in each public authority to be selected and appointed by Lokpal.
  2. He shall not be from the same public authority.
  3. He shall be a person of impeccable integrity and ability to take proactive measures against corruption.
  4. He shall be responsible for accepting complaints against any public authority and shall transfer the complaints related to other public authorities within two days of receipt.
  5. He shall be responsible for carrying out all such responsibilities as assigned to him from time to time by Lokpal including dealing with complaints in the manner as laid down by Lokpal from time to time. Provided that the complaints which require investigations under Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 shall be transferred to the Investigative wing of Lokpal. Provided further that the complaints, other than grievances, against officers of the level of Joint Secretary or above shall not be dealt by the Chief Vigilance Officer and shall be transferred to the Lokpal, who shall set up a committee of Chief Vigilance Officers of three other public authorities to enquire into such complaint.
  6. All the grievances shall be received and disposed by Chief Vigilance Officer on behalf of Lokpal, if the citizen fails to get satisfactory redressal from Public Grievance Officer under section 21 of this Act.
Staff of Lokpal, etc.- 
  1. There shall be such officers and employees as may be prescribed to assist the Lokpal in the discharge of their functions under this Act.
  2. The number and categories of officers and employees shall be decided by the Lokpal in consultation with the government.
  3. The categories, recruitment and conditions of service of the officers and employees referred in sub-section (1) including such special conditions or special pay as may be necessary for enabling them to act without fear in the discharge of their functions, shall be such as may be prescribed according to the recommendations of Lokpal. Provided that no official, whose integrity is in doubt, shall be considered for being posted in Lokpal.Provided further that all officers and employees, who work in Lokpal on deputation or otherwise shall be eligible for the same terms and conditions as prescribed under this clause.
  4. Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-section (1), the Lokpal may for the purpose of conducting investigations under this Act utilize the services of.-
    • any officer or investigating agency of the Central Government; or
    • any officer or investigating agency of any other Government with the prior concurrence of that Government; or
    • any person or any other agency.
  5. The officers and other employees referred to in sub-section (1) shall be under the administrative and disciplinary control of the Lokpal:
  6. Lokpal shall have the powers to choose its own officials. Lokpal may enlist officials on deputation from other government agencies for a fixed tenure or it may enlist officials on permanent basis from other government agencies or it may appoint people from outside on permanent basis or on a fixed tenure basis.
  7. The staff and officers shall be entitled to such pay scales and other allowances, which may be different and more than the ordinary pay scales in the Central Government, as are decided by the Lokpal from time to time, in consultation with the Prime Minister, so as to attract honest and efficient people to work in Lokpal.

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